Home News Sheamus Calls The Nexus “Scumbags”, Talks About His Tan

Sheamus Calls The Nexus “Scumbags”, Talks About His Tan


Here are excerpts of an interview conducted by John Sharp of the Peoria Journal Star with the reigning WWE champion, Sheamus:

On becoming the first Irish-born WWE champion:

“It meant everything. This has been a long journey. This is something I’ve always wanted to do, to be in the WWE since I was 4 or 5 years old. A lot of people will tell you to be realistic in school – that you can’t do this or can’t do that. They will tell you to find a 9-to-5 job and all of that. But we all have dreams.”

On WWE placing a greater focus on younger stars recently:

“I think it’s a good sign, and no matter what industry you are in, there is new talent coming no matter what. Guys like Cena and Orton have done a good job. The NXT guys are a bunch of scumbags as far as I’m concerned. As far as I’m concerned, I’m leading the flag. They’ll have to kick me out of the door there.”

On his fantastic tan (I kid) and bright orange hair making him stand out more:

“Being different is everything and it is an advantage. When you look at a WWE show, you will see someone with a beautiful Irish tan like myself and someone like Randy Orton with the snake-like features and the Big Show and people like Evan Bourne who is like a rubber band and can do anything, and a big mouth piece like The Miz. If everyone looked the same with tans, what would be the point? It’s like watching the same movie over and over again.”

On who he would love to work with in the ring:

“I’ve had a chance with Finlay. He’s always been a big hero of mine. We did cross paths with the No. 1 contendership battle royal. Stan Hansen, too. He was a big dude and took no prisoners and he was a hard hitter who everyone feared. Him and Finley would be my two biggest idols.”

To read the full interview, click HERE.