Home News Sheamus Weighs In On The Rock’s Semi-regular Returns, The Shield’s Impact On WWE

Sheamus Weighs In On The Rock’s Semi-regular Returns, The Shield’s Impact On WWE


Sheamus joined Chad Dukes of CBS Radio 106.7 the Fan & ChadDukesWrestlingsShow.com for an interview promoting the Royal Rumble. Sheamus discusses delivering a White Noise to the Big Show, The Royal Rumble, The Rock, The Shield, and Magners vs. Guinness. Highlights from the interview are as follows:

The Rock: “I personally think it’s a great thing when the Rock comes back for the simple reason that having someone like him come in, a movie star, what he’s done in WWE, it definitely brings an audience back who may have drifted away, who were there in the Attitude era drifted away to other things. It’s a great way of bringing them back in and giving us the current crop of superstars a lot of attention. People may argue “well there’s one less spot in Mania.” Well guess what, pull your
socks up and do what you can to get into the show.”

The Shield’s impact on WWE: “I think it’s been a huge impact. Obviously I’ve had my issues with them, Randy, Team Hell No and Ryback. I think they’re three future individual stars right there. I think Ambrose himself is quirky and he’s got that kinda crazy persona going on, I think he’s definitely gonna be kinda like a Roddy Roddy Piper type character. I think he’s gonna be a big player in the future. I also think Roman Reigns definitely has something as well. He’s big, impressive, kinda reminds me of the Rock, when he first came in. He’s definitely got that stature & that presence about him. Obviously Seth, he’s been around the block as well, done some cool things and he can definitely go in the ring.”

The audio interview is available here.