One of the latest WWE Signees Shelton Benjamin recently joined Edge and Christian for their E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness podcast. Below are some of the highlights from the episode featuring the former US Champion:
Talking about being released from the company back in 2010, Shelton said that he felt like he needed it since he hadn’t achieved his ultimate goal, winning the WWE Championship:
“When the release came, honestly, I felt like I needed it. I had been there for 10 years and I said, ‘I had a lot of great moments, but I’ve never really accomplished what I wanted to, obviously, being WWE champ and there’s a whole list of things that every Superstar should aspire to be being the champ, being the WWE Champion is one of them. If you’re not there to be champ, then quit the [pro wrestling] business.”
Revealing his initial reaction to Shinsuke Nakamura when he first started working for NJPW, Benjamin said that he couldn’t figure him out at the start because everybody was treated equally in the NJPW locker room opposed to WWE:
“I just thought he was a Japanese guy who does a lot of Michael Jackson stuff. Like, ‘what’s going on with this guy?’ I couldn’t figure him out. And then, you see him perform and you figure out real fast who the top guys are because of the fan reaction. But, in the locker room, I couldn’t tell. The way that they treat each other was so much different in the locker room, as far as if you walk into a WWE locker room, you can kind of feel where people are on the card, just kind of based on how people around them are reacting. [In NJPW locker room] I couldn’t pick up on any egos or any hierarchy.”
Apart from this Shelton Benjamin also talked about how he didn’t know about NJPW when he first started with WWE and more.