Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 269)
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Est. Runtime: 1 hour, 36 minutes
Solomonster is back this week with a FULL post-WrestleMania wrapup, including live thoughts from MetLife Stadium, which of the three Mania main events completely sucked the life right out of the crowd, THE MIGHTY IZOD CENTER on Monday night and how it compared to Miami last year, why the crowd may have turned on Orton vs. Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler finally WINS THE BIG ONE, a rant on disrespectful fans at the Hall of Fame, Marty Jannetty wrestles for Chikara but gets caught stealing merch at WrestleCon, Jay Briscoe wins the ROH World title and Adam Pearce gets cut from TNA’s Gut Check. Yeah, not happy about that one.
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