Download Solomonster Sounds Off Episode 277 Here
Est. Runtime: 1 hour, 35 minutes
Solomonster gives a quick Chikara update (or tries to anyway), then talks the possibility of Cena vs. Bryan at Money in the Bank, the return of the McMahons, count outs in a No Disqualification match, Randy Orton speaks the truth on John Cena, the NXT contract signing and why Bo Dallas isn’t ready for prime time yet, Richie Steamboat’s career possibly in jeopardy, Tod Kenely dropped from Impact, the arrival of Quinton RAMPAGE Jackson, his face-off with Kurt Angle and the greatness of Mickie James. Then it’s MAILBAG time with a passionate argument for why WWE bringing in Rock for publicity is TOTALLY different than Vince Russo booking David Arquette as WCW champion for the same reasons, was CM Punk better off for NOT headlining all those PPVs last year as champion, and what will Hulk Hogan’s legacy be once he’s gone? To view the Yahoo! column referenced on this week’s show, click here!
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