Home News Sound Off 280: The Return of RVD, Possible Summerslam Opponent and His Swipe at TNA

Sound Off 280: The Return of RVD, Possible Summerslam Opponent and His Swipe at TNA


Download Solomonster Sounds Off Episode 280 Here

Est. Runtime: 1 hour, 40 minutes

Solomonster talks the WWE return of Rob Van Dam, a possible Summerslam opponent for him, RVD’s swipe at TNA, the greatest promo of Mark Henry’s life, the latest on Daniel Bryan’s injury, his backstage confrontation with Triple H and why it was probably a good thing, Bo Dallas gets cheesy on NXT, getting The Bella Twins involved in a Cena/Bryan feud, three WWE superstars who could have been top names, why it sucks what TNA is doing (or isn’t doing) with Bobby Roode and Austin Aries, and Rey Mysterio goes under the knife again — is it time for him to retire? Plus, Food Network star Paula Deen gets canned for using racist language and we’re listing her top ten favorite TV shows.

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Solomonster Sounds Off by The Solomonster is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.