Home News Sound Off 281: Taz Possibly Returning to WWE, Briscoes/ROH Situation and Who Has The Better Roster of Talent, WWE or TNA?

Sound Off 281: Taz Possibly Returning to WWE, Briscoes/ROH Situation and Who Has The Better Roster of Talent, WWE or TNA?


Download Solomonster Sounds Off Episode 281 Here

Est. Runtime: 1 hour, 15 minutes

Solomonster shares his thoughts on the death of Matt Osborne and why the original Doink the Clown character was underrated, Ring of Honor’s iPPV fiasco, The Briscoes possible departure, distressing news in the ratings when it comes to Daniel Bryan, shutting down the Rock haters on his choice as WWE’s new video game cover boy, Taz possibly leaving TNA for WWE and what they should do with him, the great Suicide swerve on Impact, can Drew McIntyre ever be a main event player, does TNA have a better roster of talent than WWE, an idea for what to do with Cody Rhodes and a brand new This Week in Wrestling History segment featuring Foley’s plunge, Bret Hart’s stroke, John Cena’s debut, the Benoit tragedy and CM Punk’s legendary pipebomb!

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Solomonster Sounds Off by The Solomonster is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.