Home News *Spoilers* TNA Ten “One Night Only” PPV Results

*Spoilers* TNA Ten “One Night Only” PPV Results


TNA taped their TNA 10 ”One Night Only” pay-per-view on Sunday from the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida. Here are full spoiler results:

* Kenny King defeated Sonjay Dutt and Petey Williams

* Velvet Sky defeated Gail Kim

* Matt Morgan won a Gauntlet Battle Royal with the following entrants:

  1. Johnny Devine
  2. Shark Boy
  3. Chase Stevens
  4. Cassidy Riley
  5. Robbie E
  6. Jessie Godderz
  7. Matt Morgan
  8. Mr. Anderson
  9. Johnny Swinger
  10. Joseph Park

* Devon and Bully Ray defeated Homicide & Hernandez and Daniels & Kazarian

* Jeff Hardy defeated Austin Aries

* Bobby Roode defeated James Storm

* Kurt Angle defeated Samoa Joe