Home News *Spoilers* WWE Main Event Taping Results For This Week

*Spoilers* WWE Main Event Taping Results For This Week


WWE taped only two matches for this week’s edition of Main Event prior to the SmackDown taping in Sacramento, California on Tuesday night. Below are spoiler results for this week’s show.

– Big Show comes out to kick off the show. He cuts a promo on Ryback, but while he’s talking, Jack Swagger’s music hits. Swagger comes out, interrupting the giant, which leads to a match.

– Big Show def. Jack Swagger in one-on-one action in the first of only two matches taped for this week’s Main Event. This match was actually given a lot more time than you’d think. In the end, Big Show was able to hit his finisher on Swagger and score the 1-2-3.

– The Lucha Dragons def. The Ascension in tag-team action in what was the final match taped for this week’s show. This match was also given a decent amount of time. The crowd was into the action, as it was fast-paced and featured a lot of high-flying moves and big spots. In the end, The Lucha Dragons managed to pick up the “W.” After this match, WWE began taping this week’s SmackDown.