Home News (Spoilers) WWE Main Event Taping Results For January 1, 2014

(Spoilers) WWE Main Event Taping Results For January 1, 2014


The following are results of the WWE Main Event television taping from Sunday night in Washington, D.C. The show will air in WWE’s international markets and on WWE.com this week due to the New Year’s holiday.

– Damien Sandow def. Kofi Kingston in a singles match to open the show. Sandow picked up the win via his “You’re Welcome” finisher.

– The Funkadactyls def. Alicia Fox & Rosa Mendes in a Divas tag-team match. The finish came when Naomi hit her “Rear View” finisher.

– The Miz hosted a MizTV segment that featured Brodus Clay. Clay was in a suit and wearing a big gold chair. Clay also has new theme music. Clay talks trash during the segment, prompting his former tag-team partner Tensai to come out. The two brawl with Tensai getting the upper-hand.

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