Home News *Spoilers* WWE Main Event Tapings Results (Photos)

*Spoilers* WWE Main Event Tapings Results (Photos)


WWE taped this week’s episode of WWE Main Event tonight from the Frank Erwin Center in Austin, Texas. Here are full results:

WWE Main Event (Airing On Ion Television):

* Mick Foley opens the show dressed as Santa Claus. He wishes the crowd a Merry Christmas before being interrupted by Curtis Axel & Ryback.


Ryback says he hates Santa and and calls him fat. The Miz comes out to even the odds. Miz and Foley Claus sing a Christmas carol together, changing the lyrics to reference Ryback and Axel. Santa Foley announces Miz will wrestle Curtis Axel later in the show, with Foley in Miz’s corner and Ryback in Axel’s.

* R-Truth & Xavier Woods defeated Jinder Mahal & Drew McIntyre

* Divas Champion AJ Lee defeated Kaitlyn


* The Miz w/Foley Claus defeated Curtis Axel w/Ryback.