Home News *Spoilers* WWE Superstars Taping Results For This Week

*Spoilers* WWE Superstars Taping Results For This Week


The following matches were taped at the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado prior to Monday’s WWE RAW for this week’s edition of WWE Superstars.

WWE Superstars (Airing Thursday):

– Emma def. Summer Rae in the opening match of the evening. This was said to be your typical Divas match, with the crowd sitting on their hands for the majority of the contest.

– Fandango def. Adam Rose in the main event of the taping, which is set to air on the WWE Network this Thursday. This was said to be a pretty sloppy match, with both guys having timing issues and a few botched spots. The crowd was said to be pretty dead for this one as well. During Adam Rose’s entrance, the Rosebuds actually dropped him and he flipped out. In the end, Fandango picked up the win with his top-rope leg drop for the 1-2-3. It’s worth noting that he kind of played the babyface throughout the match.