Stephanie McMahon has shed some lights on her relationship with her father, Vince McMahon, and the advice he has given her throughout the course of her life.
While on the red carpet for the Sports Humanitarian Awards, McMahon spoke with Denise Salcedo about various topics including the best advice she ever received from her father, which she revealed to be about taking calculated risks, which he did to help build the company.
“The best advice my father’s given me as a businessperson is to — there’s so many great pieces of advice. I’d say now take calculated risks,” Stephanie replied.
McMahon continued by stating that she takes pride in representing the WWE while they continue their mission to entertain on a global level and all of their endeavors outside of the WWE.
“WWE’s mission is to put smiles on faces the world over. Whether we do it by our entertainment content or we do it by giving back.” She praised WWE’s partnership with the V-Foundation, Special Olympics, Boys And Girls Clubs of America, Susan G Komen, and more.
McMahon added that those are just a few to name and that she could go deep in on each one of those. She brought up about it being a privilege to be able to give back in as many ways as they can.
H/T to Wrestling Inc for the transcribed quotes.
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