The following are highlights of a new Boston Herald interview with Stephanie McMahon:
Crediting Boston University for her success, where she studied communications at: “From film production to television production to creative writing to public speaking to marketing to advertising, BU is basically a school to help prepare you for all of the many facets of WWE.”
Her father Vince McMahon’s contributions to the business: “My father coined the phrase, ‘sports entertainment.’ Vince let the world in on that, yes, this is actually predetermined and, yes, we are having fun. He was the one who created this live action-adventure soap opera.”
The new Connor’s Cure charity: “This is all about developing and donating for pediatric brain and spinal cancer research. We’re trying to help fund the research to help stop the cancer.”
Being excited to unveil the future of the business: “WWE continues to grow and expand at a rate faster than anyone can possibly imagine. We have over 360 million social media followers, and we have over 12 million downloads of our app. But I have to say, even given all that, we’re just getting warmed up.”
Check out the complete interview at