Home News Stephanie’s Role At WM29, CM Punk Teasing DQ Finish Against Undertaker, Booker T Heel Turn

Stephanie’s Role At WM29, CM Punk Teasing DQ Finish Against Undertaker, Booker T Heel Turn


– Stephanie McMahon might wind up in her husband Triple H’s corner for his No Holds Barred match against Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 29. Stephanie would be there to even the odds (with Heyman in Lesnar’s corner), so it appears there could be more to the recent video of her boxing and saying she’s “coming to get” Paul Heyman.

– With less than two weeks to go until WrestleMania 29, there’s been talk that the build to CM Punk vs. Undertaker will include CM Punk trying to end the Undertaker’s streak by pushing the Undertaker into getting himself disqualified. Punk has already stated on WWE television that the Streak does not have to end in a pinfall or submission.

– WWE officials have discussed turning Booker T heel after he’s inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

(Partial Source: f4wonline.com)