The following are highlights from WWE Hall Of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin’s “Ask Me Anything” chat from Reddit:
On any regrets he had in WWE: “i wish i had not walked out of the company when i did…bad decision.”
On his relationship with The Rock: “the rock and i will always be friends. text msg here or there.”
On his relationship with Eric Bischoff: “eric and i are totally cool. hes a hard working cat and always on the move. loved our chemistry as co gms.”
On how much longer he would have wrestled had he not been injured: “maybe another 5-6 years…”
On the possibility of a WWE return: “dont know about a return to WWE in the near future, im booked solid for a pretty long
BACKSTAGE UPDATE: Chances Of Steve Austin vs. CM Punk At WrestleMania XXX