Home News Steve Corino Working In New Role With WWE

Steve Corino Working In New Role With WWE

Steve Corino Working In New Role With WWE
WWE Performance Center Coach Steve Corino

Steve Corino began working with WWE at the Performance Center in early 2017 and is working on the main roster helping to produce RAW and Smackdown live events. According to a report from PW Insider, Corino began working in the role a few weeks ago.

Corino was put into the position in order to free up Jamie Noble, who has other responsibilities with the company. Also on the RAW and Smackdown live events team are Michael Hayes and Joey Maloney. Corino had previously been helping out with live events for NXT as well.

Steve Corino Pro Wrestling Career

Steve Corino is a former NWA, ECW, and MLW World Champion. Corino had a couple of tryouts in WWE, as an announcer, writer, and wrestler but nothing came together between he and the company until after he did a guest coaching spot at the Performance Center in late 2016.

He spoke to Wrestling Inc in 2015 about tryouts he had in WWE previously.

“In 2007 when I had a tryout as a writer and a wrestler, they were thinking that I was too old, so maybe I didn’t have the right people coming in for me. I was still in Japan 29 weeks a year, so I had something to fall back on. They were great up there. Anyone who buries the system by saying ‘I went up there for a tryout and they didn’t hire me, blah blah blah.’ Oh man. It’s such a well-oiled machine up there.”