Home News “Superstar” Billy Graham Released From The Hospital

“Superstar” Billy Graham Released From The Hospital


– The following updatd were on “Superstar” Billy Graham’s Facebook page on Tuesday.

Billy Graham wrote today:

I must say I found out just about 15 minutes ago speaking with Valerie who was speaking with a Mayo doctor I almost didn’t make it through this double pneumonia and congestive heart failure, but God was on my side, to use a Dylan line. We can also use this line by Martian Luther King, since yesterday was his official holiday here in the US, “Free at last, Free at last, good God almighty free at last”

Billy Graham’s webmaster wrote on Tuesday:

The Superstar’s friend Devon Nicholson has confirmed he has been released from the hospital!!!

He will likely resume posting on here in a limited capacity later this week.

On behalf of all of his friends that you everyone for your positive thoughts and prayers for the Superstar. This is truly a miracle.

– Hannibal Pro Wrestling posted the following update on Monday:

Update on Superstar Billy Graham’s Hospital Status

Hannibal Pro Wrestling has received word that Superstar Billy Graham is getting stronger, is no longer on continuous oxygen and will likely be taken off of is intravenous antibiotics and diuretics (to help remove the fluid from around his heart cavity) in the next 24-48 hours. If he is released from the hospital and sent home at that point he will remain on oral medications and ordered to rest.

HPW would like to remind the Superstar’s fans that although he appears to have fought through his latest health scare he is currently 69 years old with a weakened immune system due to Hepatitis C, blood sugar issues, an electrical problem with his heart and liver cirrhosis (the normal liver cells are irreversibly replaced by scar tissue). His remaining time on this earth will likely not be great and should be appreciated.

Graham had a liver transplant more than 10 years ago due to his first liver being in the cirrhosis stage. His second liver is now at that stage and he is not getting a second transplant. Hepatitis C can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. The loss of normal liver tissue increasingly slows the processing of nutrients, hormones, drugs, and toxins by the liver, as well as the production of proteins and other substances made by the liver. The scar tissue that forms in cirrhosis damages the structure of the liver, progressively making the flow of blood through the liver more difficult.