Home News Target Date For Undertaker’s Return, Spider-Man/Lucha Connection

Target Date For Undertaker’s Return, Spider-Man/Lucha Connection


– WWE’s creative department are targeting Survivor Series on November 18 for the return of The Undertaker.

After undergoing two major surgeries in the past year and performing suitably at WrestleMania XXVIII, many company employees believe he has several more matches left in the tank and will almost certainly compete at WrestleMania XXIX.

– In The Amazing Spider-Man, which hit theaters Tuesday, Peter Parker is inspired to create a mask after winding up inside a wrestling ring surrounded by posters of masked luchadors. It is not the first wrestling connection in the movie franchise as in the premiere film released in 2002, Peter enters a wrestling tournament and squares off against a character portrayed by the late Randy Savage.

– Silas Young, who was dropped from the Dragon Gate USA roster over the weekend after no-showing events, has been announced to appear at upcoming Ring of Honor shows.

(source: F4WOnline.com)