Home News The Latest From Kharma, Picture Of Otunga’s New Look, Miz

The Latest From Kharma, Picture Of Otunga’s New Look, Miz


– There are still conflicting reports as to Kharma’s status with WWE. She is still listed as “Alumni” on the WWE website and WWE’s Twitter account. Kharma re-tweeted the following message from a fan on Friday:


– The Miz has finished filming his scenes for the WWE Studios movie, The Marine: Homefront.

– WWE Superstar David Otunga has begin filming the WWE Studios movie The Hive, starring HAlle Berry. Otunga will likely be off television while working on the project. Otunga noted on Twitter that he’s shaved off his signature goatee for the movie and is now clean-shaven. Check out this picture of Otunga’s new look: