Home News The Miz Recalls A Humiliating Experience Early In His Career

The Miz Recalls A Humiliating Experience Early In His Career


Adelaide Now has an article on The Miz, who recalls a humiliating experience that took place during his early days in WWE.

“Nobody liked me, everyone wanted me fired and was trying to get me fired. I’m in the WWE, and everyone there and the WWE Universe hates me. It made me feel like I was walking on egg shells,” The Miz said of his colleagues.

“I got kicked out of the locker rooms, so I couldn’t find a place to change or shower. I remember one time going down the corridor to go to the (stadium’s public) bathroom and fans going `Oh my god, that’s The Miz’ – thanks, I’m going to the bathroom next to a kid that has my shirt on. It’s kind of belittling and humiliating. But it’s one of those things that made me stronger and made me realise I could take everything that anyone dishes.”

To read the full interview, head over to AdelaideNow.com.au.