Home News The Rock Gets Busted Open While Working Out (Video)

The Rock Gets Busted Open While Working Out (Video)

The Rock Gets Busted Open While Working Out (Video)

The Rock prides himself on being the hardest worker in the room and that includes the gym. 

However, sometimes situations can get a little out of hand and things happen. The former WWE Champion found this out the hard way while throwing around some chains in a recent training session. 

The chain hit him on the side of the face and got some color. He showed off the wound in a post on Instagram. He wrote the following in the caption: 

“We ain’t playin’ tiddlywinks and we ain’t reciting nursery rhymes – it’s called the #ironparadise for a reason and things get extremely intense.Threw around my 50lb chains ? for a drop set – I got lumped up and need stitches ??Taste your blood, keep training and stitch up later – rules of the house. And I can confirm my blood tastes like Teremana, calluses and BlaMoan (black and samoan) Hot Sauce????? Have a productive week, my friends – keep it light and a lil’ fun, but get after it like a MF.”


The Rock has been tied with WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns in the rumor mills as of late as “The Great One” has gone on record by noting that if he were to come out of retirement then a match with his cousin at WrestleMania would be something that he’d be interested in. 

Over the weekend, The Rock did the induction speech for Ken Shamrock’s Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame induction. 

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