The Rock tweeted the following on Tuesday night about his upcoming movie, “Fast & Furious 6” as well as a sneak peek of his character in the movie, Hobbs:
Just watched private screening – FAST & FURIOUS 6. Proud of my director Justin Lin. #EpicAction #HobbsTheBeast
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) April 17, 2013
Plans are already underway for a seventh installment for the Fast and Furious franchise, which is tentatively scheduled for a July 11, 2014 release. Several movie news websites are reporting that The Rock’s filming schedule for Hercules could conflict with the production of Fast & Furious 7.
During a recent interview with, The Rock said it would be impossible for him to work on Fast & Furious 7 this summer:
“It’s not possible for me because I’m shooting Hercules this summer starting in 6 weeks in Budapest, so, possible for them I’m not too sure. I haven’t heard anything about that and I’m pretty sure I would have gotten a phone call pretty early in the morning if that was the real plan. Not quite too sure though.”
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