Home News Video: The Rock Swears On Live TV, Lawler Meets Dick Tracy

Video: The Rock Swears On Live TV, Lawler Meets Dick Tracy


— While promoting Journey 2: The Mysterious Island and his upcoming match against John Cena at WrestleMania, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson swore during a live SportsCenter telecast on Thursday. While telling a joke, he said, “That’s bullshit.” He then said, “And this is live, by the way.” John Buccigross, who was conducting the interview, added, “Yeah, it’s real live.”

— Friday’s Dick Tracy comic strip features Jerry Lawler appearing as himself under the alias “Jerry King.” The comic strip is available here.

— Former WWE star Chuck Palumbo, who now performs for the band 3 Spoke Wheel, tweeted the following regarding an upcoming appearance: “Rhode Island wrestling fans Chuck Palumbo and 3 Spoke Wheel will be at The Rock Junction March 3rd 9pm.”