Samir and Sunil Singh, collectively known as the Singh Brothers recently talked to Sportskeeda while promoting WWE’s upcoming Live Event in India. Below are some highlights from their interview:
Being attacked by Jinder Mahal:
“We deserved it! We deserved it. We let him down! 2-on-1 against AJ Styles; we had a huge opportunity. AJ is one of the best wrestlers in the world, probably in the last few decades. He truly is Phenomenal, and it was an opportunity of a lifetime. And we let The Maharaja down. And he [Mahal] had every right to put us in our place for that. Lesson learned, brother. Lesson learned.”
Learning from WWE Hall Of Famer Shawn Michaels:
“Yes. We’re very lucky. When we started in NXT, the (WWE) Performance Center, Shawn Michaels had just moved. And we kind of gravitated towards him, and he took a liking to us. I think he saw a lot of Marty [Jannetty] and Shawn in us. Because we were known as ‘The Bollywood Boys’ at that time. Even our gear was a lot like ‘The Rockers’ with the tassels and the bright colors. A lot of our tag team moves were like The Rockers, so he took a liking to us. And I would say Shawn really helped us get to this point. And the cool thing is that he’s the greatest of all time, in our humble opinion. So, to have him there and pick his brain, and ask him questions—We’re like, ‘Hey, what do we do here?’, ‘What do we do there?’. And even to this day, he’s still willing to [help].”
Their goal as a tag team:
“Our goal since we were kids was to one day become WWE Tag Team Champions. It would be great to be the first ever WWE Indian-born Tag Team Champions. Jinder was the first WWE Champion — Indian-born. So, that could be a great historic moment for India. Absolutely, the goal is to one day become WWE Tag Team Champions, and the only way that happens is when you start wrestling as a tag team. If that opportunity comes up, great, but right now our focus, our main priority is making sure Jinder becomes two-time WWE Champion.”