The Undertaker Defends His Critiques of Modern Day Wrestlers

WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker has defended his comments made against the modern pro wrestlers despite facing backlash from fans.

‘The Phenom’ had grabbed the headlines after he criticized the current-day wrestlers and said that there was a lack of character development. Speaking on his Six Feet Under podcast, The Undertaker addressed his comments and said that people take criticism personally. He also said that it bothered him seeing wrestlers having passive-aggressive responses on social media.

“That’s the big thing, especially with wrestling people and wrestling fans—everything feels like if I criticize you about something publicly, it’s a personal attack. That’s how people see it. But really, it’s not a personal attack. I’m giving my opinion on how I would have done it, or what worked for me. That doesn’t make it the right way; it was just right for me.”

– The Undertaker

The Undertaker suggests the wrestlers should concentrate on why they can’t get fans invested in them rather than battling a war of words on social media. He further made it clear that his remarks were meant to help pro wrestlers. Here is what he said:

“In wrestling, and maybe in general, if you criticize something or say something, people take it personally. Maybe ‘soft’ wasn’t the right choice of words. I was just starting to talk and come out of my shell then. I didn’t realize how far Joe Rogan’s podcast would reach or who would be watching. What killed me though was the passive-aggressive tweets from other wrestlers. I was like, ‘Oh you gotta kidding me? You know, you need to get off Twitter and focus on why they’re not drawing anything.’

But there I go again—I can’t help myself. I love you guys. But when I offer critiques, people think I’m attacking them personally. It’s just my opinion, and I’m not trying to help, I’m not trying to do somebody.”

The Undertaker

The Undertaker’s most recent WWE appearance took place at the WrestleMania 40 where he assisted Cody Rhodes to beat Roman Reigns in the headlining match of the event. The Undertaker, who had been a locker room leader during his time in WWE, also recently said that the backstage environment has changed.

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WWE WrestleMania 41
Saturday, April 5 at 6:00pm