Home News The Undertaker On Which Tombstone He’s Most Proud Of, Origin Of Move’s Name

The Undertaker On Which Tombstone He’s Most Proud Of, Origin Of Move’s Name

The Undertaker On Which Tombstone He’s Most Proud Of, Origin Of Move’s Name

The Undertaker’s finisher, The Tombstone Piledriver, is one of the most iconic wrestling moves. He has used this move throughout this career in the WWE, and recently he discussed the Tombstone Piledriver while appearing in a new interview with the Out of Character series on FOX Sports.

During the interview, The Undertaker was asked about the origins of the move, and who named his signature kneeling belly-to-belly variant of the piledriver as the “Tombstone Piledriver”. He was also asked about the most memorable moment delivering the move on someone.

The Undertaker explained that the name was developed by a number of people backstage.

“It was kind of a collaboration I think,” The Undertaker said. “It’s been so long ago, that honestly I can’t tell you… I don’t think I’m gonna take credit for it. I know there was a group of us, you know, Bruce Prichard, Pat Patterson, myself, and Michael Hayes probably was there. And we were trying to figure out what we were gonna name this thing and then someone just kinda visualized putting a tombstone on a grave and how heavy that would be and what it would look like. I think from that is how the name came up. It was putting a tombstone in front of a grave, so.”

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The Undertaker might have performed this maneuver hundreds if not thousands of times, and he does have an especially memorable one. When asked, he said, “The most memorable time that I hit the Tombstone… I’m gonna say Mark Henry. Because just of his sheer size, I wasn’t sure if I was gonna be able to do it or not. My number one goal, always, is to protect my opponent. I think the world of Mark and I knew at that particular time I was strong, I was healthy, but Mark is a big dude and he was really big dude when I Tombstoned him. I think that time just on the sheer fact that I was proud of myself that I had him, I Tombstoned him, I didn’t hurt him and we had a fairly decent match along with it.”

Quotes in this article transcribed by SEScoops.