Home News Tiffany Writes Lengthy Blog Thanking Numerous People In WWE

Tiffany Writes Lengthy Blog Thanking Numerous People In WWE


Taryn Terrell (a/k/a Tiffany), who was released from her WWE contract on Friday, posted a lengthy blog on her MySpace page thanking numerous people within the company as well as her supportive fans. She also said she would like to continue wrestling:

Thank you!

I am saddened not to be a part of WWE but I wanted to address all my supportive fans. You have been such an integral part of my WWE journey. You have supported me since the Diva Search and for that, I thank you.

I do not know what lies ahead of me but I promise to always keep you informed. WWE is an amazing company and I am so proud to have once been a WWE Diva. I met so many wonderful people and had the opportunity to train and work with some of the best in the business.

I have a few people I would like to thank, first and foremost, Billy Kidman. You worked countless hours with me at FCW, way beyond what you were paid to do and I learned so much from you. Thank you for always being honest and helping me to grow as a wrestler. Thank you for putting in so much extra time. Dr Tom…you are an amazing trainer and source of motivation. No matter what, you are always there to make us laugh and boost spirits. Thank you for the many opportunities you provided me with. Steve Keirn, you have done amazing things with FCW and dedicated your life to developing new talent. I have so much respect for the three of you. Norman Smiley, we didn’t get to work too much together but you are a wonderful person and always kept me “smiling”. Dusty Rhodes, I couldn’t have been ECW GM without you. You pushed me to be the best I could be in the Promo world. Your stories will stick with me for a lifetime.

Thank you to John Laurinaitis, Mark Carrano, Ty Bailey, and everyone in talent relations for the opportunities you gave me.

Vince McMahon has done amazing things and shaped the professional world of wrestling. I have so much respect for him and his family. Thank you for the opportunity of a lifetime.

Kevin Dunn, you were the one that gave me my start with the Diva Search. Thank you for believing in me.

Tommy Dreamer, I love you. I truly do. The day you retired from WWE I couldn’t stop crying. You are an amazing friend. You have always been there for me. If there was no one else in the world I could count on, you would still be there. You are one of my favorite people in the world. No one can make me laugh the way you do. I respect you and am so proud to call you a friend. I mean…who else would sneak me into a Britney Spears concert?!? :)
Joey Styles, you are an amazing friend and great source of advice. Thank you for always being there for me.

Howard Finkel, you are an absolute pleasure to work with and I hope those Jets are doing great this season!

Michelle, thank you for working with me. You are amazingly talented and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to learn from you. Thank you for your patience and hours you spent working with me. You are so driven and I truly admire you.

Nattie! You worked so many hours with me. Always helped me, always trained with me. You are the worlds best and such a unique person. You have the kindest heart. I respect you and thank you for how much you cared about helping grow.

Layla, we worked together a good bit and you were my very last WWE match. Thank you for giving me some of the best matches I’ve ever had. You have grown so much and I know you will only continue to grow, rise, and stay on top. You are such an entertaining woman and I loved working with you.

Bellas!!!!!! Thank you for all the amazing fun times we shared. Tampa and on the road. you guys helped set me up with Drew and I love yall for that! I love you guys so much and will miss seeing you.

Kelly, you are such a fun-loving, beautiful girl. Thanks for being my Blondetourage Partner in Crime for a few months:)

Beth, thank you for the short time we were able to work together. You are an amazing woman and I wish we could have had the opportunity to work more.

Serena, I respect you more than you will ever know. Thank you for all that you have taught me and bringing me ice ceam and McDonalds when I was in the hospital. You are such a kind, humble soul and I am so glad we became friends.

Foxy Fox! Such a fun roommate! Girl keep rocking it!

Big Show, thank you for all the advice and being such a good friend to Drew and myself.

Fit Finlay, thank you for sharing your talent with us. As one of the most creative and the best wrestlers in the world in my opinion…I am truly honored to have learned from you.

Arn and Ricky, thank you for always giving me great advice and critiques!

Shamo, thank you for being such a good friend to my husband. I wish you the best in life.

Finally, to my husband, I love you dearly and am so happy we had an opportunity to be on the road together. I will miss not seeing you everyday. Thank you for constantly coaching me and loving me. I believe in you and I know you will be on top.

To everyone else, it was a pleasure to get to know each and every one of you. I am so happy that all of you have been a part of life.

Thank you WWE and the WWE Universe. It was an amazing ride. WWE will continue to big a part of my family as I will support my husband and be his biggest cheerleader. Everything must come to an end at some point and my journey with WWE has ended for today. Amazing company, amazing people, and as tears fall down my face I hate that I am no longer a part of the company. I have fallen in love with wrestling and have such a passion for it. I don’t want to stop wrestling and God-Willing, I won’t!

My new twitter is @taryn_terrell
TarynTerrell.com will be going live shortly

Stay tuned!

With Love,