Home News Titus O’Neil Talks Working With Lars Sullivan

Titus O’Neil Talks Working With Lars Sullivan

Titus O’Neil Talks Working With Lars Sullivan

Titus O’Neil was a guest on the most recent edition of the E&C Pod of Awesomeness recently. During his appearance on the show, O’Neil spoke about his charitable work, upbringing, and conversations he has had recently with Lars Sullivan.

Titus said that Lars’ comments were “oppressive and offensive” but noted he has had the chance to speak with Lars regarding them.

“Lars sought me out and he sought out other people,” Titus said. “I sat with Lars for about 35 minutes in talent relations, just me and him.”

“People automatically called for him to be fired, called for him to be ostracized,” Titus continued.

“I looked at a man that was humbled, very apologetic, really very misguided as well,” Titus continued. “We dwelled and we talked about some things. Not to say there is ever an excuse but until you know somebody’s story until you know someone personally, you can’t take it personally, and you can’t come up with your own conclusions. Because there is a conclusion and there is a reason why people get to a certain point and do certain things.”

Titus O’Neil On Lars Sullivan Situation

“I believe in my heart that this situation with Lars will be a teachable moment for everybody from all walks of life,” he continued. “And I’m willing to put my name on this situation, just going with my gut and my heart, simply because of how he came to me as a man and came to other people as a man.”

He would also say that he will continue to work with Lars.

“I’m going to do my best to help him not get past this but actually learn from it,” Titus continued.

It sounds as though Titus and Lars talked about how this situation is an opportunity for Lars to influence those he grew up around as well.

“I also want him to utilize this as an opportunity to grow other people around him. Maybe people he grew up with, maybe his Dad, Mom and Dad, brothers, whatever, everybody can learn from this based on how he responds to this,” Titus continued. “With guidance, I think this is going to be a very positive outcome.”

O’Neil’s comments about the Lars Sullivan situation begin at about the 49:30 mark.

Titus’ book “There’s No Such Thing As A Bad Kid” will be released August 9th.