Former WWE Superstar Torrie Wilson recently appeared on the Ross Report podcast to discuss her upcoming WWE Hall Of Fame induction. Wilson stated that she was surprised to get the phone call for her to be entered into the WWE Hall Of Fame. Torrie also spoke to Jim Ross regarding how far the WWE’s women’s division has advanced over the years.
When asked about her induction Wilson stated that “yes, I was [surprised about the induction]! Actually, Mark Carrano called me and I was on a retreat. And I thought he was calling me to invite me to watch the show and he kind of threw me for a little loop there.” Wilson then added “yeah, I was definitely surprised!”
Torrie also discussed how times were different when she was in the WWE. “During my time, there really wasn’t a ton of women before us kind of showing us the way, so we were kind of, like, learning as we were going” Wilson elaborated further, saying that “Vince [McMahon] was asking for 10s, but he wants them to be able to wrestle and all of that. so we kind of, like, started creating our own thing.”
Wilson went on to say that “a lot of the girls there now were young. Not to age ourselves, but they were watching us and watching us just getting in ring enough and wanting to be that. And, whereas before, we pretty much, I know for myself, I learned in front of all the fans. Like, I was thrown out there. Of course, I showed up early in practice, but basically I was learning in front of the fans.”
*Credit to WrestlingINC for the transcription