Home News Triple H Explains Why He Won’t Wrestle Daniel Bryan At WrestleMania

Triple H Explains Why He Won’t Wrestle Daniel Bryan At WrestleMania


Triple H’s weekly sit down interview with Michael Cole is online now online, with the WWE COO talking about his ongoing feud with Daniel Bryan.

JBL filled in for Triple H for last week’s interview because Triple H was down in Orlando preparing for the NXT ArRival special. However, Michael Cole pointed out that it was convenient Triple H was unable to do their interview after Daniel Bryan challenged him to a match at WrestleMania.

Triple H explained on RAW why he doesn’t want to wrestle Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania, but Cole pushed the issue again, wanting to know the true underlying reason. Triple H said he’s the COO of WWE. He’s extremely busy and doesn’t have time for Daniel Bryan. Cole pointed out that Triple H has wrestled The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar in recent years, to which Triple H responded – they’re both A+ players. Daniel Bryan is nothing more than a B+ player and he’s not going to interrupt his day to day operations to lace up his boots against Bryan.

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How long can Triple H deny fans a match between him and Daniel Bryan? Triple H acknowledges that fans across the world want the match. However, Daniel Bryan is Best for Business. He’s very popular with the fans, he sells a lot of merchandise, he’s a B+, he’s pretty good. Why would he want to end all that by destroying him at WrestleMania? It’s not good for business. Let the immortals wrestle at the showcase of the immortals. “Bryan is a 185 pound sawed-off midget.”

If Triple H wanted to end the Yes Movement, he’d just fire him. But Daniel Bryan has value and “people love the little guy.”

Michael Cole tells Triple H that everyone he’s spoken to believes he’s scared of Daniel Bryan – and wants to know if it’s true. Triple H says he’ll give him the same answer that he gave Daniel Bryan – NO.