Home News Triple H Praised, Cena-Rock Tweets, WrestleFest Trailer

Triple H Praised, Cena-Rock Tweets, WrestleFest Trailer


– Triple H has received a lot of praise backstage for his promo work, according to f4wonline.com. Triple H has been strong on the mic in recent weeks building interest in his match with the Undertaker at WrestleMania, but you can insert your own joke about the “boss” getting praised by his colleagues.

– John Cena re-tweeted a fan’s comment predicting what The Rock’s promo on next Monday’s RAW would sound like:

“prediction 4 rock promo – 1999 catchphrase, insult Cena, catchphrase, sniff the air, eyebrow, say electrify – leave till mid march”

Cena followed up with the following:

“Im pretty sure that’s close to accurate. Prove me wrong movie star. Ill be waiting in nike town.”

– WWE’s new WrestleFest arcade game is now on sale for iOS (iPad/iPhone/iPod) at Apple’s App Store. Here’s the official trailer: