Home News Triple H Talks About Jerry Lawler’s Heart Attack (Video)

Triple H Talks About Jerry Lawler’s Heart Attack (Video)


During a recent interview with Jim Varsallone, Triple H talks about Jerry “The King” Lawler’s heart attack on RAW from 2 weeks ago:

“How many times in life are you sitting five feet from your doctor… when something like that happens? I think that in any other place at any other time, Jerry Lawler was no longer with us. Dr. Samson, our doctor, [is] to me a hero, a life saver.

To see the remarkable recovery that Jerry has made, to see him home and to see him walking around like nothing happened to him, is mind-boggling to me because it is not what I was witnessing that night… Somehow, for some reason, Jerry Lawler is still with us, and that to me is nothing short of a miracle because I don’t think anybody that was there that night — that was backstage or that was privy to what was going on — would have never, never imagined this outcome.”

Here’s video footage from the interview: