Triple H Talks About The Adam Rose Character, Rose Comments

Triple H and Adam Rose recently spoke to the Miami Herald to promote the July 21st episode of WWE RAW in Miami, Florida. Adam Rose spoke about his WWE television character and how similar he is to his on-screen persona:

“I don’t think there’s much of a difference between Adam Rose and myself. I think people around me know that. I think a lot of people who know me and saw Adam Rose for the first time are like, ‘Oh wow, you finally became yourself.’ Just be yourself, basically.”

Triple H also commented on Rose’s character:

“There’s all these pieces to the puzzle. Your entrance. Your music. Your presentation. What you’re wearing. All those things are components to making a star. If you’re writing the movie, ‘Rocky,’ a big part of that movie is Apollo Creed coming to the ring dressed as Uncle Sam and throwing the money. It’s part of the pageantry. You’re writing a TV show and a movie, and that’s how you create characters. In the past, we’d give a guy some music, and he goes to the ring. ‘What are you going to do when you come out? I don’t know. I’ll wave to the crowd and go up in the corner and put my hands up.’ That was just what you did. You just figure it out over time.”

“Now, with the beauty of the [WWE] Performance Center [the state-of-the-art all-purpose training ground for WWE hopefuls], we can step back prior to all that stuff and try to get these guys to a place where a lot of those kinks and things are worked out, so we’re not waiting six months to see that this guy now has a pretty cool entrance. It’s coming out the shoot when he first appears on Raw or SmackDown. He’s already got something really cool. Now, how can we make it even cooler. How can we make it more epic and more big main stage, and how can we make that more worthy of Raw or SmackDown. That’s all part of the process.”

Posted July 13th, 2014 in News, WWE. Tagged: .

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