Triple H On WWE’s New Production Techniques: “There’s So Much More To Come”

Triple H believes the production changes we have seen in WWE in recent months are only the tip of the iceberg and there is a lot more to come.

Many people have credited the WWE Chief Content Officer for ushering in a new era in WWE. During the post-WrestleMania 40 press conference, The Game noted how there are a lot of people who are helping him bring this change.

One such name he mentioned was the new WWE Head of Media Lee Fitting. According to the former world champion, Fitting is responsible for a lot of production changes people have noticed in the post-Kevin Dunn era:

“Lee Fitting, from a production standpoint, from what we’re doing, from the look the feel, all of it. You see changes happening every week on TV and there’s gonna be more of them. But you see that and I see people excited by them and just loving the changes that are made. I’m telling you, there’s so much more to come.”

There’s A Lot More Coming: Triple H

Triple H claimed that Fitting is a guy that he loves to work with and they’ve made a conscious decision to roll out the changes slowly:

“We’ve made a conscious decision together Lee, Nick [Khan] and myself to slowly roll out some of those changes over time. There’s a lot more coming, but when I tell you Lee Fitting, that I love working with him. He has a passion for this just like we do. Might be new here, but he’s all in.

He’s the kind of guy that I want to go to work for. I want to do stuff to make his job easier. I want to collaborate with him and I want to make things better with him. So I can’t say enough good stuff about him. A lot of the change that you see a lot of the success that you’re seeing comes from Lee Fitting.”

You can watch the full WrestleMania 40 Night 2 press conference below:

If you use any quotes from the article please credit SEScoops with an H/t for transcription

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