Home News Trish Stratus On Nearly Competing In Women’s MMA, “Team Bestie” With Lita

Trish Stratus On Nearly Competing In Women’s MMA, “Team Bestie” With Lita


WWE Hall Of Fame Diva — and along with Amy “Lita” Dumas — one-half of “Team Bestie,” Trish Stratus, recently spoke with Newsday about her friendship with Dumas and nearly going down the Women’s MMA path years ago.

Below are some highlights from the interview:

On being part of “Team Bestie” with Lita: “Ever since the induction, I think people have been keen on seeing us aligned because all these years they saw us fighting each other. So, now the Trish fans and the Lita fans are kind of united, I guess you could say. Whereas before there were distinct sides.

“Fans really dug it, so we turned it into a little thing and booked the ‘Team Bestie Tour.’ We started our first tour last year. We hit the road and started doing conventions and signings together, and people really loved it — and so did we. I hadn’t really done the circuit in a while because I had been focusing on my business and my family, so I hadn’t had a chance to get on the road and get with the fans.”

On training Muay Thai in Thailand several years ago and nearly pursuing MMA: “I had a fight with one of their prizefighters there,” Trish said. “It was a pretty intense fight. I remember thinking, ‘Ma, I could pick this up and pursue this.’ Of course, it kicked in afterward, ‘Where do I do this?’ It wasn’t really like it is now, where MMA competition for women is more accessible.”

“I was thinking about it, yeah. I think I would have been pretty good at it, I’ve been good at most physical things I’ve taken on, like any sport, and I know I have a fighter in me.”

Check out the complete interview at Newsday.com.