Home News Tyler Black Confirms WWE Name, Linda McMahon Debate Tonight

Tyler Black Confirms WWE Name, Linda McMahon Debate Tonight


— Former ROH World Champion Tyler Black confirmed on his Twitter account this afternoon that his official WWE ring name is Seth Rollins.

“There it is. Let the hate begin,” he wrote, referencing his listed name on his Twitter account.

His Twitter handle has been changed to WWERollins.

— Linda McMahon will debate Richard Blumenthal tonight at 7:00 p.m. The debate will be streamed lived at politics.blogs.foxnews.com.

— Thursday’s episode of WWE Superstars garnered an 0.68 cable rating for WGN America, with 688,000 viewers. The 1:00 a.m. replay drew a 0.18 cable rating, with 148,000 viewers.