Undertaker Congratulates Kane, Another NWO Member Visits WWE PC

Undertaker Congratulates Kane On Mayoral Race Win

As we’ve reported, WWE Superstar Kane has won his mayoral campaign in Knox County. “The Big Red Machine” is now the mayor elect of Knox County in Knoxville, Tennessee. He defeated Democratic adversary Linda Haney.

This makes Kane the third person in WWE history to acquire a position in political office, behind Jessie Ventura and Linda McMahon. Kane’s former WWE Tag Team Championship partner, The Undertaker, took to Instagram and congratulated his WWE storyline brother:


Another NWO Member Visits The WWE Performance Center

Scott Hall visited the WWE Performance Center this past week to help train the talent. PWInsider reports that Hall wasn’t the only member of the NWO who stopped by the Performance Center. Kevin Nash was also in attendance to share a thing or two with the young talent of WWE.

Posted August 3rd, 2018 in WWE, News. Tagged: , , .

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