Home News Update On Naomi’s Eye Injury

Update On Naomi’s Eye Injury


WWE.com has provided an update on Naomi’s eye injury, which was sustained earlier this month during a match with Aksana on RAW.

Photo Of Naomi’s Injured Eye & Video Of How It Happened

WWE’s Dr. Chris Amann told WWE.com this week:

“After Naomi went home she had increasing swelling and pain, which prompted a visit to a local doctor there, who performed a CAT scan. The CAT scan result showed a small, minimally displaced fracture of the eye socket or orbit on the medial wall, which is the inside part of the socket next to the nose. She is being followed closely and the swelling is being controlled at this point with oral medication.”

After visiting a specialist this past week, it was determined that surgery will not be required because “neither the nerve nor the eye muscles are trapped in the fracture itself.”

However, due to “the break that she has off the medial or inside wall of the orbital bone, [there is] communication between her sinus cavity and the back of the eye socket.”

Noami will not be permitted to return to the ring for an estimated 4-6 weeks.