Home News Update On Lesnar Attending UFC 146 & Meeting With Dana White

Update On Lesnar Attending UFC 146 & Meeting With Dana White


After Brock Lesnar attended last month’s UFC 146 pay-per-view, there were online reports that his meeting with UFC President Dana White did not go well – and that White was pissed off because he felt Lesnar only showed up in Vegas to fuel his WWE storyline.

Vince McMahon was said to be furious with Lesnar over the publicity stunt and almost certainly did not know about the situation in advance. Whether or not Dana White knew what was going on has been a hot topic of discussion in WWE and UFC in recent weeks – with it still being a strong possibility that this is all some sort of ploy by Lesnar to increase his bargaining power / leverage with WWE.

The feeling in WWE is that even though Lesnar got a one of a kind deal with WWE (huge money for limited appearances), there’s little to no chance that he could fight in the UFC before WrestleMania 29 next April.

Some in UFC still believe that Lesnar’s WWE deal is non-exclusive the meeting with Dana White really was to discuss a potential UFC return for Lesnar this year. Even if Lesnar was contractually able to fight for UFC, his heart really isn’t into MMA and he can no longer compete at the top level due to his past health issues.

(Source: F4Wonline.com)