Home News Update On Poor SD Taping Attendance, More Divas In WWE ’12

Update On Poor SD Taping Attendance, More Divas In WWE ’12


— The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reported that last Tuesday’s SmackDown taping at the Huntington Center in Toledo, Ohio drew 3,200 fans, with only 1,600 paid. An official for the venue says the report is incorrect as the event drew a paid attendance of 3,889.

Following the event’s poor advance, WWE only sold tickets facing the camera so the Huntington Center would appear full on television. Almost all of the camera side was tarped off, along with a large part of the upper bowl, including all of the seats in the end zone.

— “THQ Tank”, the Global Community Manager for THQ’s WWE video game line, stated today on Twitter that there are fourteen playable characters in WWE ’12 that have yet to be announced, including six Divas.

He wrote, “Someone asked on our boards, I will happily confirm/clarify, 6 of the remaining 14 mystery spots on our roster left are @WWE Divas.”

Divas announced thus far for the upcoming game are Beth Phoenix, Eve, Kelly Kelly, Layla, Maryse, Michelle McCool and Natalya.