Home News Update On Schwarzenegger-Sammartino, Lawler Wanting To Wrestle, Foley On Apprentice

Update On Schwarzenegger-Sammartino, Lawler Wanting To Wrestle, Foley On Apprentice


– Bruno Sammartino tweeted over the weekend that a WWE-produced documentary on his career might be in the works. Speaking of Sammartino, one of the reasons Triple H was at this past weekend’s Arnold Classic event was to see if he could get Arnold Schwarzenegger to agree to induct Bruno into the WWE Hall of Fame next month. No word yet on whether Arnold agreed, but Bruno tweeted him after the event that he could see him in “NY or LA soon.”

– Following up on the story that Jerry Lawler wants to return to the ring, Lawler was reportedly telling fans at an independent wrestling show over the weekend that he still wants to wrestle again, but has not been cleared by doctors and WWE is against the idea.

– Mick Foley noted on Twitter that he’s finishing a new kids book this week that will feature WWE tag team champions Kane and Daniel Bryan as two of the main characters.

Speaking of Foley, he made a brief cameo on Sunday night’s “The Apprentice: All Stars” season premiere. Foley showed up as a guest of music star Dee Snyder (Twisted Sister) and donated money to Snyder’s team for the first challenge, which was to see which team could raise more money selling meatballs.