Home News Update On The Fandango Revolution & It’s Mainstream Attention

Update On The Fandango Revolution & It’s Mainstream Attention


– As you can imagine, WWE is thrilled with the exposure that Fandango and his theme song have been getting over the past week. WWE has been pushing the Fandango Revolution on Twitter, asking fans and popular brands to take the “Fandango challenge” and upload video of them Fandangoing. They are also encouraging fans to download Fandango’s theme song, ChaChaLaLa, from iTunes and make it their ringtones.

– Fandango’s theme song, ChaChaLaLa, has been played at several professional sporting events over the past week, including games for the Buffalo Sabres NHL team and the UK’s Everton Football Club.

BuzzFeed.com has an article up about Fandango’s entrance theme racing up the Billboard charts. FOXNews.com also has an article up looking at the Fandangoing craze.

– Fandango tweeted this to the Houston Texans cheerleaders for their video we posted earlier this week [view here]:

– Fandango was referenced in the end credits of VH-1?s show Best Week Ever. Check out the video below via the show’s Twitter and Vine accounts: