Home News Update On The Rock’s Next Movie Shoot, Bateman Does ZUMBA

Update On The Rock’s Next Movie Shoot, Bateman Does ZUMBA


— Emmett/Furla Films’ feature film Empire State starring Dwayne Johnson and Liam Hemsworth will begin shooting next Tuesday for twenty days in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Details)

— In this week’s edition of WWE’s Outside the Ring, Derrick Bateman takes part in a party for the mind, soul, and body in a ZUMBA class. Bateman takes his newly found ZUMBA talents backstage at WWE where he teaches Kaitlyn and other WWE Superstars some new moves.

[vsw id=”fjBwLNIyjF4″ source=”youtube” width=”590″ height=”330″ autoplay=”no”]

— The Honky Tonk Man appears at Phoenix Comicon this weekend at the Phoenix Convention Center Hyatt Regency in Phoenix, Arizona. (Details)