Home News Update On WWE Buying Another Significant Tape Library, Recent WWE Attendance Figures

Update On WWE Buying Another Significant Tape Library, Recent WWE Attendance Figures


– Take this for what it’s worth, but WWE recently had old Memphis Wrestling footage, including the infamous Jerry Lawler vs. Andy Kaufman feud, pulled from YouTube in recent weeks. WWE pulled the footage claiming ownership of the tapes. At last word, WWE did not own the Memphis Wrestling tape library yet, however Lawler has been trying to get master tapes from those who owned them in hopes of selling the entire library to WWE for the WWE Network.

– Below are some recent WWE attendance figures:

February 20th in Starke, FL for NXT drew 200 fans
February 21st in Cocoa Beach for NXT drew 250 fans, a sellout
February 23rd in Nashville for RAW drew 13,000 fans

(Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)