After calling Shawn Michaels one of the biggest drug abusers and hypocrites in the history of pro wrestling and a “cock-eyed cross-eyed piece of sh**”, former WWE star Shane Helms is back with some more words for the Heartbreak Kid.
Helms wrote on Twitter this week:
“I wonder if I backstab a bunch of people and hurt careers & families and slaughter animals for fun but then pray on stage, that make it ok? Just wondering? :-) But enough about that hypocrite, I’m home after a great but hard working tour and got to catch up on my DVR’s.”
Shawn Michaels has issued his first comments regarding Helms’ verbal attack, responded to his fans on Twitter who asked if he’s heard what Helms said about him. Michaels wrote:
“From u all I hav. Verbal attack? Wow pretty scary. Thoughts? Sticks & stones I guess? :-)”