Update On Sting Wrestling Undertaker & Triple H

Ever since rumors of Sting possibly signing with WWE first began circulating, the talk has been that he would eventually work a match with The Undertaker at WrestleMania.

Once Sting officially debuted at Survivor Series, however, the focus seemed to be on a potential Sting vs. Triple H match.

Photo: Sting Featured On Survivor Series DVD Box Art

Current rumors suggest Sting may end up wrestling more than one match for WWE, however as things stand now, the company clearly seems to be building towards a Sting vs. Triple H match.

RF Video’s Rob Feinstein, who has broken news stories in the past — some of which related to the Sting and WWE rumors — posted the following online hours before Sting debuted at Survivor Series:

“From what I been hearing I think Undertaker is done and the plans are for Sting and HHH at Mania…but anything can change but that is what I have been told”

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