Home News Updates On Daniel Bryan & Kidd, WWE Releasing Divas Calendar

Updates On Daniel Bryan & Kidd, WWE Releasing Divas Calendar


— Daniel Bryan behaving as a “Ladies’ Man” may be integrated into his on-screen persona. The WWE Divas and Bryan celebrated with dancing following their respective scuffles with Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler.

— Though it was teased last night on Raw that Tyson Kidd could be turning heel following The Hart Dynasty’s latest loss, creative plans as of today were for him to remain babyface.

— The next special edition issue of WWE Magazine will be a 2011 Divas Calendar with the Divas in swimsuits. Among those featured on the cover include Michelle McCool, Eve Torres, Rosa Mendes and Kelly Kelly. The magazine officially hits newssstands next Tuesday.

source: www.f4wonline.com