Home News Updates On WWE Network’s Delay & Heat On Evan Bourne

Updates On WWE Network’s Delay & Heat On Evan Bourne


– As we reported earlier this week, the launch of the WWE Network has been delayed several months. The talk in WWE this week is that nobody knows the launch date yet, but it will be some time in the fall.

Vince McMahon is looking to get more Legends involved with the Network and has reportedly reached out to people who in the past he wouldn’t have. A reality show, presumably Legends House, will begin filming soon and will go for 21 weeks, including post-production. The house will be in the Palm Springs area and 10 episodes will be shot.

– To follow up on our report from last week about there being major heat on Evan Bourne for leaking details about R-Truth’s suspension, we’re now being told the heat on Bourne is unrelated to the R-Truth situation.

Regarding last week’s story, one source is saying it was actually Evan Bourne who went to Triple H and apologized for failing the drug test – not Triple H confronting Bourne.