Home News Video: CM Punk Promo From ’03 Talking About Drunk Dad

Video: CM Punk Promo From ’03 Talking About Drunk Dad


On Monday’s RAW, Chris Jericho appeared on the titantron while CM Punk was in the ring and got very personal with the WWE champion – saying that he knows a secret about Punk. Jericho told Punk and the world that the reason Punk is straight edge is because his father was an alcoholic. Jericho told Punk that alcohol is in his DNA, Punk has covered himself with tattoos to mask that pain. He said he’s going to take Punk’s title and drive him to a dark place where he finally gives in and drinks.

Jericho’s reference to CM Punk’s father being the reason for his straight edge lifestyle can be traced back to a promo that Punk cut back in 2003. Check out this video of CM Punk (with Colt Cabana) from ROH WrestleRave ’03. It’s one of his best promos ever and an early look at a young wrestler with greatness ahead.